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Writer's pictureMathew Collins

What to look for in an online digital marketing course?

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Anyone working with a business with an online presence needs Digital Marketing to create awareness, build brands and generate sales. From Marketing Managers, Marketing specialists, Digital Marketers and Business Owners, digital marketing skills is a must. Gone are the days of distributing pamphlets in the neighborhood to publishing your business on phone directories for your customers to find you. We now have Google and Facebook to do that for you.

Digital Marketing has definitely changed the playing field for everyone. It levels the playing field as It allows small business owners to compete with big companies. It is very critical for business owners to have a good understanding how Digital Marketing works as this will spell the difference between failure and success.

We can now all agree that Digital Marketing is a must for any marketing professional and business owners to possess the skills needed to be successful in Digital Marketing. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources one can choose from. But what is it to look for in an online digital marketing course? What are the things that you should take into consideration before clicking that sign-up button? What course to take for Digital Marketing?

Here is a guide and tips on what to look for in a Digital Marketing courses:

1. Make sure to read meticulously the course description and content to see if it provides an in-depth study of the different aspects of Digital Marketing. Check if they cover basic to advanced topics to make sure that your level of competency is covered. It is most likely that there will be hype and bloating on the way the course will be described so be sure to read between the lines and validate what they claim about their course.

2. It should have practical application. Learning by doing is still the best way to learn. The concepts, strategies and tactics that are being taught should not only be useful in theory but proven to work in real-world settings as well.

3. Choose an online digital marketing course that is taught by Industry-experts. They are influencers of the industry and are considered as thought leaders. You will definitely benefit from their wisdom and experience and may even be lucky to get a job recommendation from them.

4. Another key consideration is to check if the Certifications they issue are recognized globally. A well-recognized international certification will definitely provide you the edge over your competitors especially now that competing for work and getting customers goes beyond your country’s border.

5. A well-designed Digital Marketing course should always be fresh and relevant. It should continuously and consistently update its online curriculum especially that the digital ecosystem constantly evolves.

6. Look for a digital marketing course that provides access to support such as a technical mentor or a personal career coach. Having a sounding board that could help you validate your learnings can be critical to the success of your online learning. Check if the online digital marketing course you will be enrolling will provide such support.

7. The primary goal of you attending a digital marketing course is to get the new job or promotion. Signing up with an online course that connects learners to employment will definitely increase your likelihood of getting that employment or job promotion.

8. Gauge the quality of the technology or platform being used. Since the course will be conducted online, it is important that the interface they will be using is free from technical issues like poor video and audio. Technology can either make or break your whole online learning journey.

Now that you have become aware of factors that you should look into when signing up for a Digital Marketing course online, you still have to decide which particular topic of Digital Marketing you would pursue. Digital Marketing covers quite an extensive topic. The amount of knowledge you need to learn can be overwhelming. To help you decide, check below the list of foundational courses that you can take;

1. Certified Customer Acquisition Specialist - Customers are the life-blood of any business. It sounds cliché, but it's true. But how do you put that message in front of an unknowing audience and convert strangers into friends without breaking the bank? In this course, you'll learn how to leverage paid traffic channels—such as Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook—to not only grow your customer base… but to grow your customer base at a PROFIT.

2. Content Marketing Specialist - If you want to build your brand's authority and nurture prospect/customer relationships the right way, you must deliver “value in advance.” Content is how you do just that. In this course, you'll learn how to craft and execute a content strategy that utilizes more than just your blog. Using these high-yield strategies, you’ll spread your brand’s message to new audiences and existing prospects alike, by providing genuine value in advance.

3. Customer Value Optimization Specialist - Most businesses have some sort of funnel for generating leads and converting them into paying customers, but very few have a truly OPTIMIZED funnel. This course will walk you through the Customer Value Optimization Process, and teach you how to architect a conversion funnel that reduces customer acquisition costs while simultaneously increasing both immediate and lifetime customer values. You'll learn about Lead Magnets, Tripwire Offers, and how to craft marketing messages that focus on the value you create for your customer.

4. Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist - To survive today, companies need direct-response copy that moves customers along the Customer Value Journey and encourages them to take specific, measurable actions—driving them to make purchases or become sales leads. In this course, you'll discover proven online and offline secrets to writing copy that grabs attention, sets you apart, and SELLS.

5. Certified Email Marketing Specialist - Of all the different channels available to marketers today, email still ranks as the highest when it comes to ROI. But due to changes in deliverability algorithms and the sheer number of emails sent on a daily basis, getting your emails opened is more difficult than ever. Fortunately, we're going to show you how to change all that. In this course, you'll learn how to craft email campaigns that get delivered, get opened, and most importantly… get the click

6. Certified Ecommerce Marketing Specialist - This course will help you understand how to optimize any ecommerce store (in any industry) to generate more sales and profit. Upon completion, you'll have a better grasp on how to market for your ecommerce stores. You'll also learn how to leverage email automation and copywriting to boost your email list and drive those leads to your online store.

7. Certified Social & Community Specialist - Social & Community Managers are uniquely qualified to help brands and businesses leverage social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube. In short, a certified Social & Community Manager is capable of leveraging all four stages of social media success: Social Listening, Social Influencing, Social Networking and Social Selling.

8. Certified Search Marketing Specialist - SEO isn't dead, but it is constantly changing. To get ranked (and stay ranked), site owners need to create websites that focus on putting user experience first. In this course, you'll learn how to develop a comprehensive organic traffic strategy that will stand the test of time—covering topics such as designing for user experience (UX), 8 ways to earn links from reputable sources, and how to optimize for traffic from a variety of channels, including Google, Bing, Pinterest, YouTube, and more!

9. Certified Analytics & Data Specialist - Are your business decisions driven by data or hunches? Logic or are you throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks? In this course, you'll learn data collection strategies you can use to set up an analytics plan that will help you build a proactive (and not reactive), data-driven business. You'll determine the key metrics your brand needs to track on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and how to set up simple dashboards that alert your brand to potential problems and opportunities.

10. Certified Optimization & Testing Specialist - Develop a repeatable optimization process to increase conversions in their sales funnel, landing pages, and key conversion pages. Once you've completed this course, you'll be able to diagnose site problems and test new solutions that increase profits for traffic you already have.

11. Certified Social Media Marketing Specialist - In this master class, you will learn the newest strategies (by social platform) to draw organic traffic to your social media sites. You will also learn how to develop a social media calendar and develop a schedule for your post to make sure your content is relevant and top of mind for your audience. You will also learn how to leverage influencer marketing and see if it is right for your overall marketing goals.

12. Community Management Specialist - Every year, more and more businesses are harnessing the power of online communities to generate awareness, increase sales, reduce churn, and drive brand loyalty. Community management is a growing skill set for creating and sustaining lasting relationships with a brand’s prospects, leads, and customers. In this course, you'll discover proven strategies to create and grow a thriving online community that’ll positively impact your bottom line.

13. Digital Marketing Strategist - The Digital Marketing Mastery Class is the most comprehensive digital marketing training in the industry. The purpose of this Master Class is to help you become a “T-shaped” marketer. This 16-hour training is designed to give you the “top of the T'' in digital marketing. In this class, you will cover the foundation of DigitalMarketer’s curriculum: The Customer Avatar Canvas, Your Core Message Canvas, and The Customer Value Journey. After you have completed our foundational topics, you will get a top-level overview of the major channels of digital marketing including: content marketing, social media marketing, digital advertising, search marketing, email marketing, community management, and data and optimization. Once this certificate is complete, we encourage you to take one of our track programs to solidify the “vertical part of your T” to become a full stack digital marketer.

DigitalxMarketing offers these 13 foundational courses in partnership with DigitalMarketer, the world’s biggest digital training company. We are a certified partner of DigitalMarketer thereby allowing us to market and sell DigitalMarketer’s training, certification, frameworks, tools and licensed programmes in New Zealand.

DigitalMarketer is present in 68 countries and has tens of thousands of customers. Its foundational courses provide an in-depth study of the different aspects of Digital Marketing. Its contents are being consistently and continuously updated. Its concepts are not only proven in theory but in real-world settings as well. The courses are being taught by industry experts. DigitalMarketer’s CEO is a known thought leader and an influencer in the industry. He literally wrote the book “Digital Marketing for Dummies”. Its certification is accepted globally and there is an assigned Account Manager to check on your progress. They make use of technology and platforms that will ensure success of your online learning.

DigitalxMarketing and DigitalMarketer will ensure that your online learning will be a worthwhile journey.

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